Minnesota 2: take I 35 North. Exit onto
Bong Bridge. At stoplight take a left. Go over viaduct and at second stoplight (Tower
Avenue) take a right turn.
Proceed approximately 2 miles on Tower Avenue;
you will see a truck dealer on the right and the Fair grounds on the left. Turn left and proceed to gold colored
building to the right.
Minnesota 61: take London
Road to I 35 South. Exit onto Bong
Bridge. At stoplight take a left. Go over viaduct and at second stop light (Tower
Avenue) take a right turn.
Proceed approximately 2 miles on Tower
Avenue; you will see a truck dealer on the
right and the Fair grounds on the left.
Turn left and proceed to gold colored building to the right.
Wisconsin 2/53: follow 2/53 till you come to Mall
Drive. Turn left onto Mall Drive/18th
At Tower Avenue take a left and you
will see a truck dealer on the right and the Fair grounds on the left. Turn left and proceed to gold colored
building to the right.
Minnesota 53: take 53 to Trinity Avenue. Take Trinity to Piedmont
Avenue. Follow Piedmont
Avenue down the hill and enter onto I 35 South at
bottom. Exit onto Bong Bridge. At stoplight take a left. Go over viaduct and at second stoplight (Tower
Avenue) take a right turn. Proceed
approximately 2 miles on Tower Avenue; you will see a truck dealer on the right
and the Fair grounds on the left. Turn
left and proceed to gold colored building to the right.